<<This google docs might be more up to date>>

Account Sign-up

  1. First Name - short freeform field - no special characters - required
  2. Last Name - short freeform field - no special characters - required
  3. Email - short freeform field - contains @ - Required
  4. Password - short freeform field - minimum characters - required
  5. Newsletter - checkbox - “I would like to receive infrequent updates on new projects and projects with urgent needs, and be the first to know about events, competitions, hackathons and workshops” - optional
  6. Terms and Condition - Checkbox - Agree to “Terms and Conditions”, “Privacy Policy” and “Content Policy” - required

Volunteer Form

  1. Short Bio - medium freeform field - 150 character minimum - required
  2. Cause Area(s) of Interest - multiple choice - choose all that apply - required
  3. Skills - multiple choice - choose all that apply - required
  4. Time Commitment (Average Hours per Week) - number - maximum 40 - required
  5. Timezone - dropdown - choose one - required
  6. Photo - attachment - JPG or PNG - optional
  7. LinkedIn or Personal Information - short freeform field OR attachment - URL or non-exe file - optional
  8. Other possible questions:
    1. Other projects you have worked on
    2. What would you like to get out of volunteering?
    3. On a scale from 1-10 how committed to EA principles are you/how EA knowledgeable are you?
    4. On a scale from 1-10 (or in years) how advanced in your field/career are you?